Conair FB52 User Manual

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Conair FB52 User Manual

artefactoscondoble.aislamientoTambiénpuedeestarpresenteestesímbolo: INSULATION”o“DOUBLE-INSULATED”aparecenenlaplacadecaracterísticasdelos laspartesderepuestodebenseridénticasalaspartes.originalesLaspalabras“DOUBLE delsistemaydebeserrealizadasolamenteporuntécnicodeservicio.calificadoAdemás, Lareparacióndeunartefactoconaislamientodoblerequiereextremocuidadoyconocimiento

inclusounoparapuestaatierra,ydeconectarelaparatocon.tierra Elaislamientodobleeliminalanecesidaddeusaruncabledealimentacióndetresconductores,




When using an electrical appliance, basic safety precautions should always be followed, including the following:


DANGER – To reduce the risk of electric shock:

1)Always unplug this appliance from the electrical outlet immediately after using and before cleaning.

2)Do not reach for an appliance that has fallen into water. Unplug immediately.

3)Do not use while bathing or in a shower.

4)Do not place or store appliance where it can fall or be pulled into a tub or sink.

5)Do not place or drop into water or other liquids.

WARNING – To reduce the risk of burns, fire, electric shock, or injury to persons:

1)An appliance should never be left unattended when plugged in. Unplug from outlet when not in use, and before putting on or taking off parts.

2)Do not operate under blanket or pillow. Excessive heating can occur and cause fire, electric shock, or injury to persons.

3)This appliance should not be used by, on, or near children, or individuals with certain disabilities.

4)Use this appliance only for its intended use as described in this manual. Do not use any attachments not recommended by Conair.

5)Never operate this appliance if it has a damaged cord or plug, if it is not working properly,

or if it has been dropped or damaged, or dropped into water. Return the appliance to a Conair Service Center for examination and repair.

6)Do not carry this appliance by supply cord or use cord as a handle.

7)Keep the cord away from heated surfaces.

8)Never operate the appliance with the air openings blocked. Keep the air openings free of lint, hair and the like.

9)Never drop or insert any object into any opening.

10)To disconnect, turn all controls to the off position, then remove plug from the outlet.

11)Do not use outdoors.

12)Do not operate where aerosol (spray) products are being used or where oxygen is being administered.

13)Do not attempt to plug in or unplug unit while feet are in the water.

11)Manténgalofueradelalcancedelos.niños 10)Siempredesconecteelaparatoinmediatamentedespuésdeusarloyantesde.limpiarlo 9)Nolouseenelbañoola.duchaUtilíceloenunlugarseco.únicamente 8)Nuncaopereloscontroles,enchufeodesenchufeelaparatoconlasmanos.mojadas 7)Nuncautiliceesteaparatomientrasestédormido/ao.adormilado/a

pidaconsejoasumédicoencasodedoloro.incomodidad 6)Esteproductohasidodiseñadoparaproporcionarmasajes.relajantesDejedeusarloy

losmúsculosolas.articulacionesEstopodríasersíntomadeunacondiciónmás.seria 5)Interrumpaelusodeesteaparatoyllameasumédicoencasodedolorpersistenteen

cuerpodondeseusaeste.producto puedanlimitaroencualquiermanerainhibirsucapacidaddesentirenlaspartesdel 4)Esteaparatonodeberíaserusadoporpersonasquepadezcandeenfermedadesque

al.calor moretones,cortaduras,quemaduras,inflamación,hinchazón,decoloraciónosensibilidad abiertasonuevas,úlcerasdelapiel(ampollas),venasvaricosas,problemascirculatorios, diabetes,tuberculosis,tumorbenignoomaligno,flebitisotrombosis,hemorragia,heridas 3)Noutiliceesteaparatosiustedpadecedecualquieradelosproblemassiguientes:

tienemúsculoshinchadosodespuésdeunaheridamuscular.grave 2)Pidaconsejoasumédicoantesdeusaresteaparatosisufrededoloresinexplicables,si

dehuesoodolor.persistente decualquiercondiciónmédica,incluso:problemascardíacos,cáncer,infección,fractura 1)Pidaconsejoasumédicoantesdeusaresteaparatosiustedestáembarazadaopadece


15)Esteaparatonocontienepiezasquepuedanserreparadasporel.usuario 14)Guardeelaparatoenunlugarsecoyseguro,fueradelalcancedelos.niños 13)Noagarreelaparatoporel.cordón 12)Vacíeelaguaporlapartedelanteradel.aparato

abrasivos,solventescomobencenooproductos.químicos en.agua)Séquelaconunpaño.limpioNuncalimpielatinaconmaterialesoproductos 11)Paralimpiarlatina,desconéctelayenjuáguelacon.agua(Nuncasumerjaelaparato

10)Pongalospiessobrelasesponjasdelufaparasuavizarlaszonas.ásperas paraconseguirunmasaje.suave

14)Do not stand on or in the foot bath. Use only while seated. Place feet in foot bath and remove feet from foot bath only while in a seated position.

15)Never operate on a soft surface, such as a bed or couch, where air openings may be blocked.

16)Use heated surface carefully. May cause serious burns. Do not use on sensitive skin areas

or in the presence of poor circulation. The unattended use of heat by children or incapacitated persons may be dangerous.

17)To prevent scalding, never add boiling or steaming water to the foot bath.

18)This appliance is designed for household use only.

19)Do not handle plug with wet hands.


To reduce the risk of electric shock, this appliance has a polarized plug (one blade is wider than the other). This plug will fit in a polarized outlet only one way. If the plug does not fit fully in the outlet, reverse the plug. If it still does not fit, contact a qualified electrician to install the proper outlet. Do not change the plug in any way.


1)Make sure foot bath is unplugged and is in the OFF position.

2)When transporting foot bath, position hands around side edge for most secure grip.

3)Place foot spa on floor, fill foot bath with warm or cold water to the level indicator “Max.”

Do not fill above water-level indicator. Never overfill. Plug into wall outlet. Never plug or unplug the foot bath while your feet are in water.

4)The heat setting is designed to maintain the temperature of warm water, not to heat water.

5)Sit in a chair and place your feet in the water. Never stand in foot bath.

6)Select foot bath feature(s) by pushing on/off button(s). Choose any combination.

7)Choose one of the 3 jumbo pedicure attachments and place on post in the center of the foot bath. Place foot on attachment and apply pressure. Move your foot around for more pressure and treatment. Remaining attachments may be kept on storage panel in center of foot bath or entire panel may be removed while using foot bath.

8)Slide feet over rollers for a deep kneading massage. Rollers are removable – simply pick rollers out of grooves to remove.

9)If rollers are removed, slide feet over gel insert lining for a light touch massage.

10)Slide feet over removable loofah disks to soften unwanted rough areas.

11)To clean foot spa, rinse with water. (Never submerge unit in water.) Wipe with damp cloth. Do not use any strong chemical cleaners such as benzine.

12)Pour water out of the foot bath from the side opposite the line cord only.


masaje.penetranteLosrodillosson.extraíblesSidesearemoverlos,simplemente.jálelos 8)Pongalospiessobrelosrodillosmasajeadoresparaelpuentedelpieparaconseguirun

oéstepuederetirarsedelatinaduranteel.tratamiento accesoriospuedendejarseenelsoporteubicadoenelcentrodelatina elcentrodel.aparatoPongaelpiesobreelaccesorioymuévalopara.masajearloLos 7)Escojaunodelostresaccesoriosparapedicuraypóngaloenelejequeseencuentraen

combinacióndelasfunciones.disponibles 6)Elijaeltipodemasajedeseado,oprimiendoelbotón.correspondienteUseunoouna

5)Siénteseypongalospiesenel.aguaNuncasepongadepieenla.tina 4)Elaparatonohasidodiseñadoparacalentarelagua,sinoparamantenerla.caliente

Nuncaconecteodesconecteelaparatomientrastengalospiesen.agua Nosobrepaselalínea.“MAX”Nosobrellenela.tinaConecteelcordónal.tomacorriente

3)Coloqueelaparatosobreelpisoylléneloconaguatibiaofríahastalalínea.MAX 2)Agarrelatinaporlasasascubiertasdecauchopara.transportarla 1)Asegúresequeelaparatoestéapagado.(OFF) INSTRUCCIONESDEMANTENIMIENTO

completamente,comuníqueseconun.electricistaNointentemodificarla.clavija eltomacorriente.polarizadoSinoentraraeneltomacorriente,.inviértelaSiaúnnoentrara polarizada(unapataesmásanchaque.otra)Sepodráenchufardeunasolamaneraen Parareducirelriesgodeelectrocución,elcabledeesteaparatoestádotadodeunaclavija


19)Noagarreelenchufeconlasmanos.mojadas 18)Parausodoméstico.solamente

.graves 17)Nuncapongaaguahervidaoaguamuycalienteenla.tinaEstopodríaprovocarquemaduras

puedeser.peligroso .circulatoriaElusosinsupervisióndeesteproductoporniñosopersonasdiscapacitadas Riesgodequemadura.graveNoloempleeenáreasinsensiblesoencasodeinsuficiencia 16)Paraprevenirlosriesgosdequemaduras,tengacuidadoaltocarlassuperficies.calientes

dondelasentradasdeairesepuedan.obstruir 15)Nuncahagafuncionarelaparatosobreunasuperficieblanda,comounacamaounsofá,

sacarlospiesdela.tina 14)Nosepongadepiesobreoenla.tinaÚselasentado.únicamenteSiénteseantesdeentraro


13)Do not hang unit from power cord.

14)Store unit in its box or in a clean, dry place.

15)This unit has no user-serviceable parts.


1)Consult your doctor before using in case of illness or medical condition, including but not limited to pacemaker use, pregnancy, cancer, infection, fracture or persistent pain.

2)Do not use on any unexplained pain or swollen muscles, or following a serious injury, before consulting your physician.

3)Do not use if you have any of the following conditions: diabetes, tuberculosis, benign or malignant tumors, phlebitis or thrombosis, hemorrhages, open or fresh wounds, ulcerated sores, varicose veins, poor circulation or bruised, discolored, burned, broken, swollen or inflamed skin.

4)This product should not be used by any individual suffering from a condition that limits or altogether inhibits the user’s capacity to feel or have sensation in any part of the body.

5)If you experience pain in a muscle or joint for a prolonged period of time, discontinue use and consult your doctor. Persistent pain could be a symptom of a more serious condition.

6)Use of this product should be pleasant and comfortable. Should pain or discomfort result, discontinue use and consult your physician.

7)Never use while sleeping or drowsy.

8)Ensure that your hands are dry when operating the controls or removing the plug.

9)Do not use while bathing or showering. Use only in a dry area.

10)Always unplug the unit from the electrical outlet immediately after using and before cleaning.

11)Keep out of reach of children.





















































In a double-insulated product, two systems of insulation are provided instead of grounding. No grounding means is provided on a double-insulated product, nor should a means for grounding be added to the product.

Servicing a double-insulated product requires extreme care and knowledge of the system, and should be done only by qualified service personnel. Replacement parts for a double-insulated product must be identical to the parts they replace. A double-insulated product is marked with the words “DOUBLE INSULATION” or “DOUBLE INSULATED.” This symbol (square with a square) may also be marked on the product.

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