Boss Audio BV7948B User Manual

To ensure safety while driving
and to comply with laws,
drivers should not watch video or
operate the video device while driving.
The lightening flash with arrowhead symbol, within an equilateral triangle, is intended the alert the user to the presence of uninsulated dangerous voltage within the products enclosure that may be of sufficient magnitude to constit ut e a risk of elect ri c sh oc k to persons.
The exclamation point within an equilateral triangle is intended to a le rt user to the presenc e of i mp or tant operatin g an d ma intenance (se rv ic in g) instructions
in the literature accompanying the appliance.
Laser product symbol: located on the rear panel of the unit, indi ca te this player is a c la ss laser product, only use weak laser and no hazardous radiation out si de of the unit.
1.Read through this instruction manual before installation and use.
2.Do not open the cover or touch any of the components exposed ou t of t he unit, only for qualified t ec hnicians.
3.Do not expo se t he u ni t under direct su nl ig ht or nearby obje ct s that radiate heat to avoid damage the unit.
4.Do not plac e th e un it i n moist and humid c on di tions, which ef fect the pick-up of the unit lead to out of wo rk .
5.Place the u ni t on a f la t surface and ven ti la tive conditio n. P lease ensure the ventilation holes are not c ov er ed t o avoid overhea ti ng a nd malfunction.
6.Clear the panel and case with soft dry cloth only, do not apply any kind of thinn er, alcohol or sp ra ys .
1. Before Operation...........................................................................................4
1.1 Glossary.. .. .. .......................................................................................... 4
1.2 Precautions............................................................................................4
1.3 Maintenance and Cleaning of Discs..........................................................5
1.4 Battery Informati on o f th e Re mo te Control.................................................5
1.5 The Rem ot e Co nt ro l De scription..............................................................6
1.6 Locations and Names of the Controls.......................................................7
1.7 Description of the Rear Cabinet....................... ........................................8
1.8 Unit Installation......................................................................................9
2. Common Operation......................................................................................10
3. Radio Operation..........................................................................................12
4. Basic Disc, USB or MMC/SD Operation..........................................................14
4.1 Begin Playback......................................................................................16
4.2 Pause Playback.....................................................................................16
4.3 Stop Playback ..... ..................................................................................16
4.4 Select Chapter/Track with the UP/DN or the >>|/|<< Buttons......................16
4.5 Select Chapter/Track with the Number Buttons.........................................16
4.6 Select Chapter/Track with the Root/PBC Menu.........................................16
4.7 Terminate the Playback..........................................................................17
4.8 Playback with Speed..............................................................................17
4.9 Playback with Slow Speed......................................................................17
4.10 Playback with Stil l Fr am e. .. .. .................................................................18
4.11 Playb ac k Repeatedly............................................................................18
4.11.1 One /A ll Repeat..................................................................................18
4.11.2 A-B Re pe at........................................................................................18
4.12 Playback in Scan Mod e. .. .......................................................................19
4.13 Playback from a spec if ie d Ch ap te r/Tra ck o r a Sp ec ified Time....................19
4.14 Playback in Random..............................................................................19
4.15 Playback in Diff er en t Angle....................................................................19
4.16 Playback in Zoom Mod e. .......................................................................19
4.17 Change the Caption Language..............................................................20
4.18 Change the Audio Language.................................................................20
4.19 Look over the Playba ck S ta tu s. .. ...........................................................20
4.20 Program Playback .. .. .. .. .. .....................................................................21
4.21 Playback the Pictu re C D in J PE G Fo rm at...............................................21
4.22 Operation about file style of video.........................................................22
4.23 ESP an d ID 3 Fu nc ti on .................................................................
4.24 USB and MMC/SD Reader Operation.....................................................22
4.25 The DV D Sy st em M en u Se tup Operation........ ........................................22
4.26 The Pa re nt al Control............................................................................27
4.27 The Region Code.................................................................................28
5. .............................................................29
6. Trouble Shooting.........................................................................................31
7. Spe ci fication
General Specification
Power Supply Requirement..................................................DC 12V
Maximum Power Output...................4 x 80W(measured at DC 14.4 V)
Dimensions(w x h x d)............................................7”W x 2”H x 6.5”D
DVD Deck Specification
Format..............................DVD/VCD/MPEG 4/JPEG//MP3/WMA/CD
Video System........................................................................NTSC
Audio System..............................................................24 bit/96KHz
Loading System.......................................................... Auto Loading
Mounting Angle.................................................................0 to +/-30
Video Specification
Video Type...................................................................16:9 and 4:3
Video Output level......................................Composite:1.0± 0.2Vp-p
Load impedance: 75 ohms
Horizontal Resolution................................................................500
Audio Specification
Audio Output(Analog audio)..........................................2.0 -1.0Vrms
Frequency Response.............................20Hz ~ 20KHz(at 1KHz 0 dB)
S/N Ratio(Audio).............................................≥90dB(at 1KHz 0 dB)
Radio Specification
FM Section
Frequency range.......................................87.5MHz - 107.9MHz(US)
87.5MHz - 108.0MHz(EU)
Usable sensitivity......................................................................3uV
I.F Frequency....................................................................10.7MHz
AM Section
Frequency....................................................530KHz - 1710KHz(US)
522KHz - 1620KHz(EU)
7. Specification...............................................................................................32
6. The Tr ouble Shoot ing
Please read the user s manual carefully before using the DVD player. If y ou have any t roubles in using th is p layer, t ry t o solve t he p roblems by the suggestions mentioned below. If you ca n not remove the trouble after using all the suggestions, please contact the company or the technical service center authorized by us. For the sake of your safe ty, plea se d o not open th e cover and repair the player by yourself, if that, it may cause electric shock.
NO PICT UR E, S OUND AND I ND ICATIO N * Ensur e th at t he powe r sw itch is o n. * Ensur e th at t he fuse i s no t blown.
NO SOUN D BU T HAVE P IC TURE * Ensur e th at t he player s audi o ou tput ha s a go od connec ti on with T V s audio input. * Check w he th er the au di o connector is damaged. * Check w he th er you ha ve t urned d ow n the volum e. * Ensur e th at y ou have s et t he righ t AUD IO setup of t he player. * Ensur e th at t he audi o is n ot unde r mu te.
NO PICT UR E BU T HAVE S OUND * Ensur e th at t he player s vide o ou tput ha s a go od connection with TV s video input. * Ensur e th at y ou have t ur ned you r TV to the AV in put chann el connecting to your player. * Ensur e th at y ou have s et t he righ t VI DEO setti ng s of the pl ay er.
BLACK AND WH IT E PICTU RE O R SCREE N RO LLING * Ensur e th at y ou have s et t he righ t TV SYSTEM ( e. g. PAL , NT SC) setting.
FLAWS OF PICTU RE O R SOUND * Check w he th er the se tt ing of AUD IO i s right. * Check w he th er the di sc i s scrat ch ed or stained. * Check w he th er ther e is c ondensation inside the Lens. If so, leave the player off for an hour or so, th en t ry again. * Check w he th er the in st allat io n angle is le ss t han 30.
DISPL AY NO DISC O R BA D DISC * Ensur e th at y ou have p ut t he disc o n th e tray. * Check w he th er the di sc i s put in th e reverse side. * Check w he th er the di sc i s disto rt ed. * Check w he th er the di sc i s stained or scratched badly. * Ensur e th at t he disc f or mat is co mp atible to t he p layer. * Ensur e th at t he temp er ature i ns ide the car i s no t too high. If so, cool off until the ambient tempe ra tu re retu rn s to norm al . * Replace another disc to insert it into the disc compartment.
REMOT E CO NT ROL IS INSEN SI TIVE OR D OE S NOT WOR K * Check t he b at terie s of r emote c on trol and ma ke sure that they are to be powerful and good conductivity. * Direc t th e re mote co nt rol to th e IR s ensor of th e player. * Check w he th er ther e ar e some ob st acles bet we en the re mo te contro l an d IR sens or.
SOME FUNCTION BUTTONS DO NOT WORK * Turn off t he power, th en t urn on ag ai n. * Reset t he u ni t to zero , th en turn o n again. * Remov e th e fr ont panel from the unit, then install it again and then turn on again.
THE RADIO DOES NOT WORK * Check w he th er the an te nna cable is connected firmly. Or manually tune for a stat ion.
1. Before Operation
1.1 Gl ossary
PBC (playback control) It is a ki nd of signal( menu) rec orded in the di sc with SVC D or VCD2.0 form at used for the p layback c ontrol. For t he discs co ntained PBC , It can playback interactive software with the menu displayed on TV.
Title Gene rally, the title i s the importa nt part of DV D disc. for exa mple, the theme part of movie is title 1, the part described how to make mov ie is title 2, the c ast is title 3, e tc. Every t itle contai n a serial nu mber that is ea sy to lookup.
Chapter A title c an be divided i nto sever al blocks, so t hat every b lock can be ope rated as a uni t, the unit is ca lled chap ter. Th e chapter c ontain a unit a t least.
Track It is the biggest component of VCD. Generally, every song of karaoke disc is a tra ck.
1.2 Precautions
1. The unit is designed for negative terminal of the battery which is
connected to the vehicle metal. Please confirm it before installation.
2. Do not allow the speaker wires to be shorted together when the unit is switched on. Otherwise it may overload or burn out the power amplifier.
3. Do not install the detachable panel before connecting the wire.
4. The protective case is to safely keep the front panel(see the photo).
1. Do not use this unit when water and moisture is near it.
2. If moisture forms inside the Lens, it may not operate properly. To correct this problem, wait about one hour for the moisture to evaporate.
3. If the car interior is extremely hot, do not use the player until the car has been driven for a while to cool off the interior.
1.3 Maintenance and Cleaning of Discs
Disc Maintenance
1. To keep the disc clean, handle the disc by its edge, do not touch the disc surface of the play side.
2. Do not stick paper or tape on the disc. If there is glue (or analog) on the disc surface, must wipe it up before using.
3. Do not expose the disc to direct sunlight, or nearby heat sources such as caliduct, or leave it in a car parked in direct sunlight where there can be a considerable rise in temperature.
4. Put the disc inside disc case to keep temperature after finishing playback.
Disc Cleaning
1. Before playing, wipe the disc with a clean lint. wipe the disc outwards from the disc center.
2. Do not use petrel, thinner, commercially cleaner or anti-static spray used to plastic LP to wipe disc.
1.4 Battery Information of the Remote Control
Replace Battery in the Remote Control:
1.Before using the remote control for the first time, pull the insulating sheet out of the remote control as the direction indicated by the arrow.(see fig.1)
2.Press the movable block hold as the direction indicated by the A arrow (See fig.2), then pull the battery holder out of the remote control as the direction indicated by the B arrow(see fig.2).
3.Replace the old battery by a new battery with (+) polarity side upward. (See fig.3).
4.Insert the battery holder to the original position in remote control. (See fig.3). Note about the Battery of the Remote Control:
1.Improper use of battery may cause overheating or explosion. so tha t Result in injury or fire .
2.Battery leakage may cause damage to the remote control(Battery Life: 6 months with normal use in normal room temperature).
3.Do not short the battery.
4.Do not throw the battery into the fire.
5.To avoid the risk of accident, keep the battery out of reach of children.
5.2 Dial with remote control with the following procedures:
(1) Input telephone number with number buttons 0-9
* Press CLEAR button briefly to cancel the wrongly input number if necessary
(2) Press TEL briefly to execute the dialling.
5.3 To redial the last phone number dialled
Press REDIAL button briefly or tap the icon to validate the last phone number.
6. Accept/Reject/End Call
6.1 When ringing, press TEL button briefly to accept the call;
6.2 When ringing, press HANGUP button briefly to reject the call;
6.3 When talking, press HANGUP button briefly to end the call.
Note: During ringing, the phone number appears.
7. To transfer the audio of a file played by Mobile Phone to the Car Audio Player
In the connection status between the Bluetooth devices of the Car Audio Player and a Mobile Phone, if the mobile phone can play audio or video files and support A2DP, when the Mobile Phone plays an audio or video file(For some Mobile Phones, you must select Play by BT firstly), the audio of the playing file will be transferred to the Car Audio Player.
In A2DP mode, if the Bluetooth device of the Mobile Phone support AVRCP, the functions of the >>|, |<< , PLAY/PAUSE , EJECT, MUTE, EQ, LOUD, VOL and SEL buttons are the same as one in disc mode(no fast forward/backward functions for the >>|/|<< buttons). The other buttons available in disc mode are not available.
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